My Thursday Ladies

I host a small group of ladies at my house once a week (yup, on Thursday) for breakfast and bible study. I adore them and find myself incapable of just sending out time and date reminders….


SUBJECT: My Thursday Ladies

Every time I type “Thursday Ladies” in the subject line, it’s Barry White’s voice saying it, so just know, being a “Thursday Lady” is much cooler and smoother than you might, at first, believe.

So…Thursday Ladies…

Let me tell you about my mom.  She is lovely, wonderful, a handful and, at 81, finds a great deal of joy in forwarding emails to me…emails that usually land in a box that is SO full of to-do’s, and not-yet-answereds that the thought of having to clear it out makes me feel like I am racing the crest of a wave that is about to crash over my head.  I gave up asking her to stop forwarding emails long ago, because I finally figured out there was (and still is), for her, a great deal of fun in the sending… When I get them, the first thing I do is look to see if she has added any personal comments.  If so, those are always in all caps, and as I read her set ups, I “hear” them in her thickly accented and animated Hungarian voice.  She sent me an email just this afternoon with multiple pictures of an elephant giving birth to a calf and the subsequent reaction of the herd.    You had to scroll down about three lengths of the screen to get to the email.  Love her.

So although I have put “Do not forward emails to the kids when they have their own kids” on my own personal “When I am a Grandmother I will never ….” list; I did not
make that same commitment to you, the Thursday Ladies.  So I am forwarding this link.  I watched it.  The comments from Mrs. Chan, in particular, meant something to me and touched on a lot of our discussion last week.  So I thought I would share.

P.S. If you would like to see the elephant email, just let me know.  I will forward it.