Thank You God… for Everything….


So often we ask God to change our circumstances when He wants us to change our perspective.

There are some people who can take this journey looking above the heads of those in front of them, and beyond whatever circumstances they are in, straight into the heart of God. Matt and Ginny Mooney are among those people. I am lucky to call their beautiful family, friends. Matt and Ginny have since had two children and have adopted a third from a Ukrainian orphanage. They are living a life of beautiful mayhem; something I think we all have in common at times.

As we gather with friends and family over the holidays, may we seek to see only the beauty in those around us and share His love with reckless abandon. I am grateful for you. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 18 Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.